If you would like to custom-order a larger screen than the ones listed on the website, you can do so here. For help on choosing the right screen, you can use the below as a guide, or feel free to send us an email or give us a call.If you would like a particular screen size or aspect ratio which is not listed below, just let us know the specifics in the text box and we give you a quote.
Buyer’s Guide: Through accommodations with EluneVision, the screen manufacturer, we can offer a wide variety of screen sizes, types and materials that will perfectly fit your needs. Due to EluneVision being based in Canada, we have immediate access to hundreds of ready-built varieties, but if you typically have a custom screen ready for you in 3-4 weeks.
Because of EluneVision’s ability to offer a wide range and types of screens, we have written a guide that will help you choose the right screen.
The following guide is designed to help you select the right screen for you, however, nothing is a strict rule that you must follow. If you have any special needs or requirements or you don’t know what type of screen to get, simply contact [email protected] or call 1-888-450-3050 for further assistance. We understand that not everyone has the time to become an expert, and we’re more than happy to help in helping you choose the right screen for your needs.
The Screen Selection Process
Number 1: Select the screen that will fit your need. For example if you do a lot of travelling or if the screen is going to be moved from place to place, then look for a portable screen. Typical portable screen include: Tripod, Airlift, and Fast Fold Types. Tripod screens typically go as large as 8’ by 8’ but no larger. Fast Fold screens are ideal for large venue events and frequent use, as they are designed for heavy-duty use.
If your projection use is permanent fixed install, then select from screens such as Tab Tensioned Motorized, Regular Motorized, Manual Pull-Down, Fixed Frame. These screens can be built to your spec in a variety of different sizes, aspect ratios and materials.
Number 2: Once you have select the type of screen you want, the next step is to figure out how the screen will integrate into the room and how it will fit the audience. The key here is that the screen should be big enough so that the last row of the audience will be able to see the text on the screen. If the screen will be purely used for video purposes, the screen can be smaller than a screen used to display text and presentations.
Rules of Thumb:
(a) The minimum screen size should be as per table below. Note that often, if budget permits, a larger size would be more suitable. For example, for a 25′ room, 120″ is the minimum, but a 135″ would be a more suitable for better viewing experience.
(b) For rooms with multiple rows of seats, the screen should be at least 3-4 feet off the ground so that all rows of the audience will be able to see the image.
(c) The screen outer dimensions must not exceed dimensions of where the screen is going to be situated.

Number 3: Now that you have the size in mind, the key thing now is to make sure the projector that you have or will purchase will fit your projection needs. The key thing is to keep in mind the end result. Ask yourself these questions: Will the projected image be bright enough? How much ambient light will I have in this room when the projector is on? Am I going to have enough distance from the projector the screen to get the image size that I want? What is the aspect ratio of my projector?
The answers to these questions are very important. For example, if you already own a projector and you want to get a screen, then you have to make sure that the size that you are planning to get is not too large for the light output of your projector. A 150” diagonal screen should require at least a 3500 Lumen projector in order to see the image with some ambient light in the room. The next consideration is the throw distance of your projector. The throw distance (distance from screen to projector) determines how large the image is. The key here is to make sure there is enough room to get the size that you want with the projector that you have. Finally, the screen should match the aspect ratio of the projector that you currently own. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width of the projected image divided by its height. The most common ratios are displayed in the table below:
If you don’t have a projector yet, then choose the projector to fit the screen requirements. We carry a large selection of projectors that will just about fit any room and projection screen size requirement. Click here for our projector listings…
Number 4: Choose the screen surface that will work best for your setup. Typically lower gain materials are good when you need a wide viewing angle. If your room has a very high amount of ambient light, and your audience will be very centered to the screen light, then a high gain material might be advisable. The type of content that gets projected will also impact what type of projection material is required. For example, if you are projecting 1080P high resolution HD video, then the Reference Studio 4K series materials, designed specifically for 1080P and higher resolutions would be by far the best choice.
Again if you have any questions or if you are just confused, please don’t hesitate to call us or email us or simply use the form below to fill out a quote request.